Clase de Cóctel del Cinco de Mayo



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SKU: MM42621 Category:


April 26th from 7-9 pm

$75 per pair.

¡Esta clase exclusiva llega justo a tiempo para el Cinco de Mayo! ¡Lo pasaremos en grande aprendiendo sobre la historia de estos cócteles, además de prepararlos y degustarlos! El costo es de $ 75 por pareja.

Translation – This exclusive class is just in time for Cinco de Mayo! We will have a great time learning about the history of these cocktails as well as making and tasting them! The cost is $75 per couple.

Additional information

Monday April, 26th

Class will be held at Brew Bank, 822 South Kansas Avenue and will begin 7pm. Doors open at 6:45.

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